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Goldstein & Taylor helps organizations hire the best internal and external candidates and provides development support to maximize their growth and achievement. We help organizations identify individual and corporate growth trajectories and, through development and coaching programs, to help their people move to higher levels of success and excellence. Our programs help team members manage change and rise to new challenges and opportunities in the service of their organizational missions.

Our Services Include:

State-of-the-art assessment for hiring, development, and promotion:
  • Executive
  • Managerial
  • Professional
  • Sales
Includes testing internet-based and on-site testing, interviews, and development of interview and reference probes. Test results are compared with professional and industry norms; organization- and division-specific norms may be developed to predict level of achievement. Associate level tests include:
  • Administrative Support
  • Call center
  • Convenience Stores
  • Customer Service
  • Healthcare
  • Help desk
  • Production and Distribution
  • Retail Sales
  • Other test may be developed based upon organizational need
Includes Internet-based and local computerized and pen-and-ink systems normed against industry standards. Tests may be developed to predict success in specific organizations and for other industries.

Retention Programs:

  • Career Path Training
  • Program Development
Includes programmatic solutions to optimize retention of the primary organizational resource: its people. Optimal retention and development programs begin before completion of the hiring process and continue though outplacement and retirement.

Executive, Managerial, and Professional Development:

  • Assessment
  • Program Development
  • Workshops
  • Executive Coaching
  • Creativity
No program at this level is "typical." However, such techniques synergize individual and organizational growth as the dynamics of strategic and operational needs evolve and conflict. Development of new cohorts of leaders who can manage these changes often involves individual in-depth interviews and assessment of career trajectories and current and future individual and organizational needs, 360o consultation with supervisors, subordinates, and peers, self-evaluation and feedback, and coaching and/or workshops to develop and implement a detailed Developmental Action Plan. These plans are coordinated with the individual's immediate supervisor and HR Manager, who provide input and approval, and insure that organizational resources are available, sufficient to meet the goals.

Performance Enhancement:

  • Stress Prevention and Management
  • Health
  • Executive Hardiness
  • Worklife Issues
  • Sustaining Optimum Performance
  • Program Development
    • "The Emotionally Intelligent Organization"
  • Training
Includes corporate and individual consultation for prevention and management of stress, and the establishment of programs to achieve and sustain optimal performance. The current and future environment will emphasize the individual's repertoire of abilities, knowledge and implementation skills as the key to competitive change in organizations. Negative effects on individuals may offset advantages of this new marketplace. A system demanding that each person manage her or his portfolio of strengths will founder unless the individual has tools for portfolio management. Failure to provide such tools results in sub-optimal performance, lack of ability to sustain excellence, illness, shortened careers, and a disconnect between the "Learning Organization" and its members. Goldstein & Taylor programs facilitate self-management so individuals may apply their energies in the most creative and effective service of individual and organizational goals, and to provide corporate resources for such sustained excellence.

Help-Desk-Industry-Specific Consultative Services:

  • Selection, Retention And Development of Help Desk Analysts, Engineers, and Managers
  • Strategic Development
  • Training
  • Performance Enhancement
Goldstein & Taylor has special interest and expertise in supporting these activities on the Help Desk.

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